Collaborative School Development


J. Scharfenberg & J. Hugo (Eds.)

The series „Collaborative school development“ is devoted to central aspects of school improvement in the following fields: 

  1. Development of Teaching
  2. Human Resource Management
  3. Cooperation and Representation
  4. Education
  5. Quality Management
  6. Organisation and Administration.

These fields of action cover the individual school on a micro level as well as on meso and macro levels such as school administration and policy.

The series accepts volumes that relate to individual aspects of these central fields or connect several fields (or levels within these fields). In addition to peer-reviewed papers, dissertations (at least magna cum laude) or habilitation papers will also be admitted in the series.

For more information click here.


Develop Schools Together. Contributions for Science and Practice from the Studienkolleg of the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft and the Robert Bosch Stiftung

M. Drahmann, A. Köster, J. Scharfenberg, Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Robert Bosch Stiftung (Eds.)

Vol 1‚Develop Schools Together‘ is not only the motto of the Studienkolleg of the Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft and the Robert Bosch Stiftung, but also the guiding principle of this volume. Current and former scholars as well as members of the Advisory Board of the preparatory college discuss current challenges of school development in a total of 14 contributions.

For more information click here.

Inter-Relationship Between Theory and Practice. Contributions to Curriculum Development

K. Fereidooni, K. Hein & K. Kraus (Eds.)

Vol 3For the design of lessons, teachers need the support of (specialist) scientists and didacticists, who in turn have to deal with school practice in their research in order to achieve a successful transfer of scientific knowledge. The contributions in this anthology, written by both researchers and teachers, bridge the gap between (subject) didactic and educational research and practice.

For more information click here.

Responsibility in School. Perspectives from Science and Practice

J. Hugo, N. Brink & J. Seidemann (Eds.)

Vol 4

The systematic examination of dimensions, justifications, limits and possibilities of responsibility of teachers, pupils and  other actors involved in the school system marks a desideratum both in educational science and in empirical educational research. The anthology combines contributions from researchers and teachers.

For more information click here.

Digitalizations in Schools and Education as a Challenge for the Society as a Whole
Science, Practice and Law Perspectives

J. Hugo, R. Fehrmann, S. Ud-Din & J. Scharfenberg (Eds.)

Vol 4Digitalization is undoubtedly one of the defining future issues of the early 2020s and as such of great practical relevance both for society as a whole and for the actors involved in education. The anthology combines contributions from educational science and educational research as well as from school practice, law and educational policy.
The aim is to provide orientation on questions of digitalization(s) and their implications for the school practice.

For more information click here.

The full text of the introduction is available here.

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