Educational Organization – Educational Planning – Education Law

N. Hogrebe, J. Hugo & S. Maykus (Eds.)

The online encyclopedia of educational science (= EEO, Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft online) is a German online journal that aims to process educational knowledge in handbook articles. The special field educational organization, educational planning and educational law  (= BBB, Bildungsorganisation, BIldungsplanung, Bildungsrecht) provides a systematic platform for publications related to these subject ares: It includes contributions on basic concepts, essays on key topics, debate stimuli for focused engagement with a current topic, as well as contributions on methods of research, on knowledge transfer and on the implementation of findings from this subject area in educational practice. In addition, insights into qualification works of young scientists (doctorate and habilitation) are offered.

For more information click here.

The concept is available here.

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