EduLex© is an interdisciplinary network of educational science with reference to legal issues. Sub-projects to date are:
- MagisterLex: Law and Teacher Training (PhD at LMU, Munich)
- DigiLex: School Digitalisation and Law
- InterLex: Disciplinary Logics of Legal and Educational Science
Legal requirements are of great relevance for the educational and teaching activities of teachers. To date, there has been no research into school and educational law issues from an educational science perspective.
MagisterLex, a research project that is part of a dissertation at the Department for General Pedagogy, Educational and Socialization Research at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich, answers this desideratum (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Eckert).
The connection between teacher professionalization and knowledge of law as part of school professional knowledge is examined in several research questions at the intersection of „law and teacher training“.
On a theoretical level, the professional-theoretical discourse of educational science is linked to the legal discourse of education law.
Publications (*peer reviewed)
The project is funded by the German Foundation of Economy (= sdw, Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft). The publication is planned for 2023/24 after submission of the dissertation.
The advancing digitalisation of school and education is also caused by legal transformations.
In the context of DigiLex, singular publications address research questions that examine the connection between digitalisation in school/education and legal aspects.
Publications (*peer reviewed)
*Hugo, J. (2022). Digitalisation-related school development as a legal development. An analysis of educational policy concept papers from the KMK declaration on media education in schools to the digital pact. In J. Hugo, R. Fehrmann, S. Ud-Din & J. Scharfenberg (eds.), Digitalisation in schools and education as a challenge for society as a whole. Perspectives between science, practice and law (p. 35-60). Münster: Waxmann.
Scharfenberg, J., Hugo, J., Fehrmann, R. & Ud-Din, S. (2022). From digitalisation to digitalisations. Approaches to measuring a multidimensional challenge. In J. Hugo, R. Fehrmann, S. Ud-Din & J. Scharfenberg (eds.), Digitalisation in schools and education as a challenge for society as a whole. Perspectives between science, practice and law (p. 13-34).
The hardly existing exchange between educational science and law can also be attributed to the divergent disciplinary logics.
InterLex aims to promote conceptual, methodological and research paradigmatic understanding between the two disciplines in basic publications.
Publications (*peer reviewed)
Hugo, J. (2019). Pedagogical responsibility – Pedagogical freedom. Insights into school law. In J. Hugo, J., N. Brink, J. Seidemann & M. Drahmann (Eds.), Responsibility in the context of schools. Perspectives from science and practice (p. 31-52). Münster: Waxmann.
Hugo, J. & Heinrich, M. (2021). Educational and legal perspectives on education – The KBBB in search of its third ‚B‘. Educational Science, 32(62), 11-22.