
EduLex is an interdisciplinary research project. It combines educational and legal paradigms on a theoretical and research level in several sub-sections:

  • EduLex I: MagisterLex – school law and teacher training (LMU, Munich)
  • EduLex II: DigiLex – school digitalisation and law
  • EduLex III: InterLex – Disciplinary inherent logics of legal and educational science

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The online encyclopedia of educational science (= EEO, Enzyklopädie Erziehungswissenschaft online) is a German online journal that aims to process educational knowledge in handbook articles. The special field educational organization, educational planning and educational law  (= BBB, Bildungsorganisation, BIldungsplanung, Bildungsrecht) provides a systematic platform for publications related to these subject areas.

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Gemeinsam Schule gestalten

The series Collaborative School Development is devoted to central aspects of school improvement.

To date, 4 volumes have been published on the following topics:

  • Vol I.: Develop School Together
  • Vol II: Inter-Relationship between Theory and Practice
  • Vol II: Responsibility in School
  • Vol IV: Digitalisations of School

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